Our Mission

At dogreads.org, we are a group of dog lovers who like dogs and want to provide correct information to every dog owner and the fan.

Here on this website, it is our commitment to give you the information that you require so that you can be able to improve the quality of life of your pet because every dog deserves the best life.

Education: We are a team of people who wants to provide you with the best and reliable information regarding anything that is related to dogs. We collect all the information from scientific studies, veterinarians, and other dog owners’ personal experiences.

Empowerment: We want to provide you with the right knowledge so you can take good care of your dog in the aspects of health, training and other aspects of his/her life.

Advocacy: This is the reason why we should be kind to the dogs and not to ill treat them or nail them. We support the positive reinforcement when training dogs and taking care of the animals.

Community: Thus, we build a community where people can share information, experiences and love for dogs and other related topics.

Continual Learning: That is why we always try to stay up to date with the trends in dog care, dog training, and dog behaviour.

Quality Content: We provide informative, detailed and interesting articles, presented in a clear manner that anyone can easily understand and implement.

Diversity and Inclusivity: We accept all dog owners with or without experience or whatever breed of dog they have.

Open Communication: We would like to thank you for your contribution and queries and welcome you to add more to the conversation. The aim of this website is to provide and maintain up to date and correct information and to help dog owners so that dogs all over the world can have a better life. Join us and make the world a better place for dogs and their owners, life can be so much better for everyone!