8 Best Foods to Help Dogs Express Anal Glands

8 Best Foods to Help Dogs Express Anal Glands

You adopt a fluffy pet. The days were going great, and suddenly your dog got an anal gland issue. This could be horrible for any pet owner, and you might want an instant solution to resolve this matter. Managing your pup’s diet can fix most of the problems. So this detailed guide enlists best foods to help dogs express anal glands. Let’s roll onto the food list and explore how it can help your dog pass out stool easily.

What is the Root Cause of the Anal Gland Issue?

Before we delve into the food details, let’s explore the cause that makes stops the expression of anal glands. There can be two main reasons that prevent the expression of anal glands.

Anal Sacs in dogs

Small pouches are located on both sides of the sphincter of a dog. They are interlinked with the glands that produce a scent. This scent is essential as it plays a role in communication between animals. Sometimes health conditions may cause the anal sacs of a dog to stop smelling, which leads to pain and swelling. This makes dogs uncomfortable, and they start licking their sacs due to pain. Sometimes, they scoot across the floor to relieve themselves from the discomfort.

Anal Gland swelling

There can be different reasons for anal gland swelling. However, experts say the swelling in your dog’s gland can be due to the following reasons.

  • Poor Diet
  • Obesity
  • Less fiber intake
  • Irregular passage of stools

So, change your dog’s lifestyle whenever sacs or gland swelling occurs. Maintain exercise and regulate nutritious fiber-rich foods to avoid uncertain situations.

What is the Root Cause of the Anal Gland Issue

List of Foods to Help Dogs Express Anal Glands

Here is a list of foods that can be a perfect addition to your pup’s diet and help them maintain healthy gut and stool passageways.


Pumpkin is the best source of fiber that regulates bowel movement. Rich in soluble fiber, these seeds aid anal glands to express naturally. You can use it as an option on regular dog food.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber with many mineral and vitamin sources. Adding this to your pup’s diet benefits their whole digestive system.


Apple is best for a smooth bowl moment. It contains soluble fiber, which boosts the metabolism of dogs. In addition to a healthy snack, apple slices are full of antioxidants and moisture that help your dog in pooping.


Carrot also promotes healthy digestion of your furry friend. The soluble and insoluble fiber content bulk up the poo and makes a flowy passage to pass out the feces.

Green Beans

Green beans are the best for obese dogs. Rich in nutrition and fiber and low in calories, these beans help regulate the digestive system. Besides fiber-rich sources, beans contain iron, calcium, and vitamins that help boost immunity and clean out the digestive tract.

Flax Seeds

Flax seed’s primary component is omega-3 fatty acids, which are wholesome for your furry fellow. These seeds help express the anal glands of your dog and solve the digestion issues.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ activates your gastrointestinal health and boosts immunity. It is full of vitamin E and helps lower cholesterol. In addition to being best for your immune system, it regulates the metabolic health of your furry fellows.

Rice Bran

Rice bran is also a beneficial food for regulating the digestion process of your pup. It makes the bowel movement easy and aids the pup in expressing anal glands naturally.

How can Exercise and Lifestyle Changes Help Express Anal Glands?

Canine companionship is a huge responsibility. Maintaining good terms with your pup to keep them healthy is the first factor in a canine relationship. Besides feeding good food, set a time for regular play and exercise to help your dog’s overall health. An active lifestyle will help your dog’s regular bowel movement and aid in expressing anal glands. You can take your dog on any adventure or to a park for frequent walks.

Wrapping Up

Change in your pup’s behavior help you quickly figure out when they got any anal gland issues. It is advised to consult any vet instantly to avoid any uncertainties. However, protein-rich, high-fiber food is the key to your pup’s health and gut. Our recommended food to help dogs express anal glands can be perfect for relieving the discomfort of your dog. Regular exercising is also an essential factor in regulating their metabolic pathway. Additionally, using supplements having specified formulations can help your pup’s anal glands and can be a perfect choice for glands wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I help my pup express anal glands at home?

Yes, you can help your dog express anal glands at home by maintaining water intake and quality food. Ensure to provide them with vitamins and fiber-rich meals and keep track of their activity level. Make time to take them to the park for a regular walk.

Is there a natural treatment to treat dog scooting?

Yes, there is treatment to treat dog scooting. Boil some water and let it stay until it reaches average temperature. Soak a cloth in water and rinse, wring out excess water. Now apply it on the anal section of the dog; this process will help relieve discomfort.

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