5 Easy and Natural Home Remedies to Treat Dog UTI

Home Remedies to Treat Dog UTI

If you find that your dog has issues with urinating or has some element of discomfort, then it may well be that he or she is suffering from a urinary tract infection or a UTI. This blog will explore the causes, symptoms, and effective home remedies to treat dog UTI.

In addition, these infections are relatively frequent in dogs of any breed and age, but the symptoms are discomforting to the dogs. Fortunately, there are very many easy and natural home remedies, like bland diets for dogs, that you can use to get your pet back to a better state.

5 Easy and Natural Home Remedies to Treat Dog UTI

Here’s an overview of the topics covered in this guide. Click on any section to jump directly to it:

What Causes UTIs in Dogs?

It is very important to understand the reasons why UTI occurs in dogs. UTIs happen when bacteria find their way to the urinary system and subsequently give rise to irritation & inflammation. But where does this bacteria come from, and why does it affect your dog?

Here are some common causes of UTIs in dogs:

  • Bacteria: Bacteria from the skin or gastrointestinal tract are the most common cause of UTI in dogs, and this is by far the most common type.
  • Bladder Stones: These may form obstructions, hindering the free flow of urine and resulting in infections. Dogs prone to bladder stones might benefit from a low-sodium dog food diet to support their urinary health.
  • Poor Hygiene: Dogs that are not often bathed properly and those that live in dirty places are most likely to develop bacterial infections.
  • Urinary Retention: This is true when your dog has a habit of holding urine back for a long time.
  • Weakened Immune System: Some infections that may arise are common in dogs with weakened immune systems linked to their age or general health.

How Can You Spot a UTI in Your Dog?

Catching a UTI early can prevent it from worsening. Since dogs can’t tell us when they’re in pain, it’s important to watch for signs that indicate discomfort.

Common symptoms of a UTI include:

  • Frequent Urination: Even if your dog is insistently asking to go outside or has just had an accident inside, it might mean a UTI.
  • Straining to Urinate: Pain or difficulty during urination is another major symptom of the virus.
  • Cloudy or Bloody Urine: One important rule is that any changes of color and presence of blood in the urine are worthy of attention.
  • Foul-Smelling Urine: Odor producing urine that is very strong is known to be a sign of a given infection.
  • Licking the Urinary Area: It should be noted that dogs might lick that area to reduce inflammation.
  • Lethargy: You might notice your dog is more lethargic or has discomfort than usual.

If you spot that you have one or several of these signs, you should take action at once. At home, you can attempt natural remedies to alleviate the situation before you can take the pet to the vet if the symptoms do not disappear.

Five Easy and Natural Home Remedies to Treat Dog UTI

When your dog shows signs of a UTI, you can often treat it naturally at home. Here are five easy and natural home remedies to treat dog UTI, so your dog feel better quickly:

1. Encourage Hydration

Drinking water is also the greatest weapon against UTIs. It helps eliminate the bacteria that cause infections, thus speeding up recovery.

  • Make sure that there is always clean and fresh water, and encourage your dog to drink a lot of water.
  • Sprinkle low-sodium chicken broth in the water to help interest them.
  • Ice cubes are like treats, especially when made from broth or water. They are also a great way to encourage hydration.

2. Cranberry Supplements

Cranberries are known for inhibiting bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. Cranberries do not actually cure a UTI; however, they can prevent the bacteria and, in some cases, help reduce recovery time.

  • Feed your dog cranberry supplements that are easy to consume.
  • Give your dog a little unsweetened cranberry juice in the water it drinks.
  • It is important to consult your vet before introducing any change in your dog’s diet, especially supplements.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic that can kill bacteria in the urinary system. It works by acidifying your dog’s urine and making it difficult for bacteria to take hold in the bladder.

  • Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in your dog’s water or food.
  • Monitor how your dog responds to ensure you are not overdoing it with vinegar since too much in the diet can cause stomach problems.

4. Vitamin C for Dogs

The other advantage of using Vitamin C is that it can boost your dog’s immune system, improving its capability to fight diseases. In the same way, vitamin C additionally increases the acidity of urine, further helping to reduce bacteria.

  • Give your dog a little vitamin C by feeding them such foods like oranges (in small quantities).
  • Research vet-approved vitamin C supplements to make sure that the dosage is correct and safe.
  • Remember to consult your vet before giving any new supplements to add to your dog’s regular meal.

5. Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your dog’s gut. Vet approved food toppers with probiotics can further help maintain your dog’s gut health. A healthy balance can boost immune function and prevent chronic infections and irritants such as UTIs.

  • Mix natural yogurt (not sweetened) into your pet dogs’ food to offer them probiotics in an all-natural form.
  • Get the best quality probiotic supplements made for canines.
  • Frequent use of probiotics will go a long way in maintaining your dog’s gut and urinary distress.

How Do You Know When to See a Vet?

How Do You Know When to See a Vet

Home-prepared remedies are good for mild cases, but if you see your dog being worsened by a respiratory problem, it should go in line with seeking professional help. If untreated, UTIs can progress to serious health issues such as kidney infections or bladder stones.

Veterinary treatments may include the following;

  • Antibiotics: Typically used to kill bacterial infections
  • Urinalysis: Your vet may also conduct a urinalysis to discover the type of infection and how they can treat it best.
  • Special Diet: Dogs prone to UTI may benefit from special diets that help with urinary health.
  • Surgery: In more serious cases, it may also be recommended if you have bladder stones.

A List Of Common UTI Symptoms And Natural Remedies

Symptom Suggested Remedy
Frequent urination Increase water intake
Discomfort while urinating Introduce cranberry supplements
Foul-smelling or bloody urine Add apple cider vinegar
Lethargy Boost with vitamin C

Staying Healthy for Your Dog

Finally, take care of your dog’s health if you follow these tips to recognize the initial symptoms and quickly apply them with natural remedies at home. However, if the symptoms continue or worsen, go to a veterinarian. Remember, the best defense is a good offense. Proper hydration and balanced nutrition for your dog can do wonders to keep their urinary tract clean from infection.


Q1.Can my dog’s diet prevent UTIs?

Yes! A diet rich in moisture can help. Wet food or adding water to dry food may be beneficial.

Q2.What’s the best home remedy for a dog UTI?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but increasing water intake is the best first step.

Q3.Are UTIs dangerous for dogs?

If left untreated, yes. UTIs can lead to kidney infections and other serious health problems.

Q4.How long should I wait before seeing a vet?

If you don’t notice improvement within 24-48 hours, it’s time to consult a vet.

Q5.Can I prevent UTIs in my dog?

Yes, you can! Regular hydration, a balanced diet, and good hygiene practices can help prevent infections.

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